Windows 8.1 Pro - Potato Edition GHOST SPECTRE 2020 | VN-Zoom | Cộng đồng Chia Sẻ Kiến Thức Công Nghệ và Phần Mềm Máy Tính

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Windows 8.1 Pro - Potato Edition GHOST SPECTRE 2020


Rìu Sắt
OS build : 9600.19817
Edition : Potato + DEF
Version : 6.3
Arch : x64
Lang : en-US

- Latest update build / Latest NetFX4
- Bloatware FREE!!
- Optimized Pagefile/Services/Scheduled/Search Indexer
- Privacy Optimizations & Performante mode!
- Stock Drivers is not removed
- Windows Update Paused

Remove/Disables component
- Removes Windows Apps and System Apps
- Removes Windows Security / Defender / Smartscreen
- Telemetry / Error reports / Diagnostic data
- Disable UAC (Never notify)

Changelog / Update:

10/07/2020 - UPDATE2
- Update .NET Framework 4.7.2
- Installed .NET Framework 3.5/2
- Installed 7zip
- Installed Visual Cpp Redist AIO x86 x64
- Installed Driver Easy (portable)
- Add Old Calculators
- Update Windows Defender definition updates (for potato with defender)
- Add Shortcut definition updates for Potato with Defender
- On Update 2 - Now you can install other Language (click here how to Download/Install your Language)

- WINDOWS 8.1 Potato Edition - 9600.19817

Read Before Installing this Potato Edition.

Whats not working on this version Windows 8.1
X Some latest driver / DCH driver / Some Latest Computer Hardware
X DirectX12
X Ghost Toolbox - IS NOT SUPPORT! (command-line terminal too old for this version 8.1)
X Compact Size is not support
X UWP GAMES / UWP APPS (get version 2004/1909)
X Xbox Game Pass (get version 2004/1909)
X This Windows version cannot be update
X Latest Microsoft Store is not supported

What is working on this version Windows 8.1
- Steam games / Epicgames / Origin / Uplay / GOG / Etc etc
- Photoshop / Any Software / Etc etc / Some latest/old driver
- DirectX 9 / 10 / 10.1 / DirectX11 (max)




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MD5 Checksum: 970038D7E8C3C47E46B4FBA0A8B38D86
SHA-1 Checksum: EBC529D031C1F60983DEF79A2AD7B530E641451E
SHA-256 Checksum: DEE96238A88C787CAA8748710B44DC94FF728DA2D028F99A6F85B85D8F6CB5AE
SHA-512 Checksum: D3A4F89E70427CF60D84529D6AD4F6DF5E7D48788EDA642BAA7B8C5D373018F38C60B613294AFF3B3C7942F461E62E22E30232021D9A45428DB7AB4D4CCCD7B6
Sửa lần cuối bởi điều hành viên:


Rìu Sắt
bản này mới nhất (update 5) xài mượt quên luôn (nhanh hơn cả win 7), gỡ defender roài (cài thêm kas cloud là ngon choét

Bài Viết Mới
